Our People

Greg Pankhurst now resides in Brisbane after almost 30 years of owning / operating and consulting to feedlots throughout South East Asia.

After finishing University in Armidale NSW he did a short stint at Rangers Valley Feedlot near Glen Innes. Then in 1992 took a position in Indonesia working for the Australian / Indonesian JV - Tipperary Indonesia. From 1998 to 2016 he co owned and operated two feedlots in Indonesia with 36 000 head of one time cattle capacity . Greg’s joint venture partners in the JJAA Feedlots Indonesia were Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty Ltd ( CPC Australia ) and Indonesian Dicky Adiwoso .

Greg continues to be a consultant for a number of South East Asian operations as well as running a few cattle on his little farm at Mount Mee

Greg Pankhurst